Here's Why you need to contact
PUMEX Technologies!
01. Highly competitive rates.
02. Management with 25+ years of experience.
03. 16+ years of 'Custom Application Development' expertise.
04. Subject Matter Experts in various domains.
05. High employee retention.
06. Unparalleled Quality Control & Assurance.
07. Flexible business models (OnShore, OffShore, Hybrid).
08. Creative & hands on approach to 'User Experience' in both visual and functionality.
09. Value add-consultation services.
10. Educate & empower customers.
We help businesses focus on their "core-business” and increase productivity by providing quality and cost effective information technology and creative solutions.
In the past 16 years, PUMEX has worked with hundreds of companies, including leaders in the finance, pharmaceutical, and telecom industry, as well as many Fortune 500 companies.
Our work is often confidential, which is why we usually avoid disclosing clients names. Below you will find a small sampling of our client base and how we support them.